“We Don’t Need Help Making Ethnics Feel Alienated” Say Abercrmbie & Fitch

OHIO – U.S. retailer Abercrombie & Fitch have slammed the use of a racial slur on an imitation website, saying “our brand doesn’t need any help marginalising ethnic minorities thank you very much.”

The clothing giant is going after the copy cat online retail store that sold an item called “N****r Brown Pants” , dragging their name into a racially charged retail frenzy not seen since members of the KKK began shopping at Bed Bath & Beyond.

A statement from Abercrombie blasted the website registered in China that sells Abercrombie knock-offs and sought to make clear “that if we wanted to make black people feel unwanted we would send them to our stores.”

Crossed the line

A spokesman for the U.S. based company, Jake Lee, reported being so upset by the infringement he was only able to complete 500 of his usual morning 1000 sit ups.

Reports suggest the real company have already hired lawyers to shut down the Chinese operation to protect its commercial license to make other ethnic minorities feel unwelcome.

“They copied our logo.  They’ve copied our clothes…and now they’ve copied the way we put anyone who offended by that term from buying our clothes,” the company said.

“Every part of our brand – from our white washed advertising to our hiring policy – has been fine tuned to project the impression that unless your tan is store-bought your money isn’t good enough and these people have ripped that off.”

“And not the good kind of ripped, like my abs.”

‘Crucial to our brand’

Mr Lee also went on the clarify that when he said “these people” he referred to the Chinese and not black people in this instance.

“We want to remind ethnic shoppers that Abercrombie & Fitch is still the authentic experience when it comes to being reminded why you can’t be seen in our clothes.”

Abercrombie & Fitch is advising anyone of colour to avoid visiting the fake website and instead visit the official website site or any of our stores to be offended by lack of racial diversity.

“I mean, my God if we were any more averse to the idea of racial diversity we’d be the Republican Party.”

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